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Tumor migration

A few weeks ago, US doctors unveiled a discovery that is likely to help treat cancer - finding that if they block two substances that promote tumor cell migration, they can prevent tumor metastasis.

However, Czech anatomists and naturalists have had a patent for this "discovery" since 2012. Unfortunately, the Czech patent is on the fringes of interest for world science and industry. It is not yet clear whether the Czech patent was broken by an American patent. The initiator of the patent review is the head of the Department of Anatomy, 1st Faculty of Medicine, Charles University, prof. MUDr. Karel Smetana DrSc. "We have defined substances typical of the immune system - interleukin-6 (IL-6) and interleukin-8 (IL-8), which together with CXCL-1 are involved in creating a microenvironment in cancer. Thus, if a substance is created that can 'paralyze' tumor cells so that they cannot move, it should have a therapeutic effect on the treatment of cancer. A person does not die that he has a tumor, but that the tumor cells get where they do not have and cause fatal changes, "explained prof. Smetana.

You can find the whole article here.

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