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Experts will discuss how to pay for the latest drugs to make them available to patients


How to pay for the latest drugs to make them available to patients they can help? This will be discussed at the sixth workshop of the PharmAround Foundation and the Masaryk Cancer Institute entitled "Outcome-Based Models" for reimbursement of innovative drugs in oncology. " It will take place on Wednesday, May 16, 2018 as part of the 42nd Brno Oncology Days and the 32nd Conference for Non-Medical Healthcare Professionals in Congress Hall E of the Brno Exhibition Grounds.

The workshop will be divided into two blocks. The first will deal with "Managed Entry Schemes" in innovative cancer treatment. Prof. J. Fínek will address the topic of whether there is room for innovative reimbursement mechanisms in innovative drugs in oncology. Doc. R. Demlová will discuss possible types of "Managed Entry Schemes" and their specifics. MUDr. T. Doležal outlines the current view on risk sharing systems between payers and producers in oncology and Ing. R. Černá will explain the effects of existing reimbursement mechanisms in the practice of health care providers.

The second part will focus on "Outcome-Based Models" for reimbursement of innovative drugs in oncology. Doc. T. Büchler will approach the topic from the point of view of a clinician, PhDr. I. Plechatá from the perspective of patient organization. Mgr. B. Říhová will present a pilot project of the "Outcome-Based" model from data from the Masaryk Cancer Institute. Finally, there will be a moderated discussion on the topic of possible pitfalls of implementing OBM principles in real practice.

Contact Ing. Andrea Křístková, coordinator of the PharmAround endowment fund, tel: +420 608 407 900

The PharmAround Endowment Fund was established in January 2015. Its activities build on the successful project of the Faculty of Medicine of Masaryk University. Its aim is to raise awareness of drug life cycle issues through educational activities, in particular in relation to clinical trials, pharmacovigilance or pharmacoeconomic aspects. The endowment fund organizes professional courses, workshops and professional conferences for doctors, teachers, researchers, students, the general public and we support independent access to information.

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