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They will talk about key topics for patients. For example, about rare diseases.


3 October 2017 | Brno

Are new treatment options available to patients? Where are the obstacles that are difficult to solve? These and many other topics that significantly affect patients and the entire healthcare system will be discussed at the fifth PharmAround Conference 2017. The two-day event, organized by the PharmAround Foundation in cooperation with the CZECRIN research infrastructure, will take place from 9 to 10 November in Hotel CENTRO in Hustopeče near Brno.

The conference is intended for physicians, nurses, pharmacists, academics and other professionals in the field of clinical trials, pharmacotherapy, HTA (medical technology assessment) and clinical pharmacology. Experts will discuss, for example, the issue of rare diseases, in the treatment of which clinical studies can be of fundamental importance.

"They have an irreplaceable role to play in evaluating the effectiveness and safety of innovative treatments. Without them, no new treatment could reach the patient. They are also important in expanding new indications for already registered drugs and for comparison with previously approved treatments, "described the head of the Institute of Pharmacology, Faculty of Medicine, Masaryk University in Brno, head of the Department of Clinical Trials at Masaryk Cancer Institute and founder of the PharmAround Endowment Fund doc. MUDr. Regina Demlova, PhD.

Participants will also gain a lot of other important knowledge. The rich program will also address the issue of recruitment of patients now and in the future, new legislation on clinical trials and their planned implementation in Czech conditions or expensive biological treatment.

The event is accredited by the Czech Medical Chamber and the Czech Association of Nurses for the professions of general nurse and pharmaceutical assistant. To participate, it is necessary to register on the website Capacity is limited, registration is open until October 20, 2017 or until the capacity is filled.

Media Contact:

Ing. Andrea Křístková, coordinator of the PharmAround endowment fund, tel: +420 608 407 900

CZECRIN is the Czech national research infrastructure supporting academic clinical trials, which connects teaching hospitals, universities and scientific centers in the field of biomedicine. It is the Czech national hub of the European Consortium of Clinical Research Infrastructures (ECRIN-ERIC). Their common goal is to support the development of academic clinical trials and to improve cooperation at the national and international levels. CZECRIN currently conducts more than 15 national and international academic clinical trials in many areas, including pediatrics and rare diseases.

The PharmAround Endowment Fund builds on the successful project of the Faculty of Medicine of Masaryk University. Its aim is to increase awareness and knowledge of drug life cycle issues through educational activities, especially in relation to clinical trials, pharmacovigilance or pharmacoeconomic aspects. The endowment fund organizes professional courses, workshops and conferences for doctors, teachers, researchers and students, and supports independent projects in the field of biomedicine. It pays special attention to patient and public education and promotes an open, independent exchange of views and experiences in the field of biomedicine.

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